Sunday, August 28, 2011

Just a Quick Hello

Hello all, 
I apologize for my lack of posting. My laptop was hit with viruses and is kaput for good, so I'm waiting on a new one in the mail still. Which is why I haven't posted in the last two weeks (before that, I have no excuse ;) )
I purchased a cart and have been taking driving lessons with Daisy. We've had three so far, and it's going well! Her first time hooked to the cart, she took a few steps and then did a quick 180 with the cart because the shafts spooked her. At our last lesson on Wednesday, she was great! We went around the field a few times at a walk with people on either side of her, and she settled in. Tomorrow is our next lesson, and we're hoping to eliminate the helpers. 
We've also been jumping with pony club (header pic). We did a 2'7" vertical at our last lesson! We're rating up to our D3 this weekend, which requires jumping a bunch of 2'6" jumps, including a 2'6" oxer.... something we've never done. I'll work on it with her this week. 
Yesterday morning when I came to the barn, Daisy had hives on her neck and belly and was swollen right behind her jaw on her neck (glands?). She's on benedryl now, masked in applesauce. I'm heading out in a few minutes to give her more and check her progress.
Hopefully I'll have my laptop back soon, and then I'll try to post some more pictures of driving and jumping. 


Unknown said...

Awesome! I am so glad you are driving Daisy. How do you like it.

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful Horse. I will mark it and be back to visit. Do you compete all over the US or just close to home?

Barry Miller
Birmingham Realtor


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