Now, it was pointed out to me one day that the stripe on Daisy's nose looks like a bird. I looked at the stripe and I thought "What? That does not look like a bird!" and I left it at that. The other day I got to looking at Daisy's face again and I thought " does kind of look like a bird...more like a penguin then a bird...but it does resemble a bird." Do you see the birdy on Daisy's nosey?
Well, look at the above pic just a little longer now................................................Ok, if you don't see it, look below at this pic-I outlined it for you. :D
See it?! The point is the tip of the nose, and then it comes down and curves around the head of the bird....See it?! Isn't that kinda cool? I really like the birdy on her nose...Oh, and the history behind the title of this post is that I was thinking about the Zippity-doo-da song where they sing "Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder!"
So this makes me wonder-should I have named Daisy something different? Birdy? Bluebird? Penguin? (eww!)...Robin? Pelican?...I think the only ones that would have fit would be Pelican, Penguin, and Stork, and those are all weird as names...
So I think I have a good name for my pony.
9:01 PM
I saw it even without the outline! That is indeed very cool! Daisy is just an interesting horse!!
I saw it even without the outline as well. It looks like a bird with no wings.
That is REALLY cool! All Domino has is a star. :)
P.S. See you in about 11 hours! :)
Hi RidingDaisy
Thank you for your kind words on YouTube about my mum's horse, Khomet. Did you notice how frightened, unhappy and stressed Khomet was in this video ? This is why mum bought Khomet. She loved him with all her heart even before she physically met him. She is going to add a post to my blog soon about how she brought Khomet home. Mum misses Khomet so much almost all her hair has fallen out.
Love from Hammer
PS Daisy is a lovely horse
That's cool! Yeah, I like the name Daisy for her better than Pelican or Penguin. Lol.
Valley doesn't have any cool markings on her face. But it's not really possible since she's grey. LOL She's got KINDA cool markings on the rest of her (that are black)!
Your posts always make me smile...and this one is just really, really cute...I'm glad you didn't name Daisy "Penguin" or "Pelican" - lol
"Mr. Bluebird on my Nosey"....ha ha I'm going to have that song in my head all day! :-)
Hey, penguins are birds, in case you forgot! hehe
I think her blaze looks more like a Whooping Crane. Maybe you could have named her "Whoopy"! hehe
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