Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Spring Shedding and Such Daily Occurances

I took the camera out to the barn with me a couple days ago, only to have the battery run out before I could take a better picture from this angle with Daisy's head included... my apologies. 

Daisy and I, on our ride yesterday. My friend gave me a rope halter for my birthday, and I love it! It works really well as a back up under her bridle for rides away from home. 

My road test is next week... (*gasp!*)
I've been practicing parallel back parking on our driveway. After much time spent Monday, I marveled at how much easier it would be to just parallel back park the pony... ;)

How are you all doing with the flying hair season? Are your horses shed out, or hanging on to their winter coats? Are you also spitting hair out of your mouth, like me, too?
P.S. If you haven't, check out the horse movie-documentary, Buck. I watched it last night, and it's quite interesting... :


Ruth said...

This could sound a little weird but I wish my horses were sheding. They are just starting to grow their winter coats - it's depressing.
The rope halters a good idea.

Bella said...

Rica is actually shedding out really well, but she's not that furry to begin with! It's nice. Stewy used to be like a rug... And Bella... Well... Beast describes her perfectly in that aspect as well as others. ;)


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