Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Daisy's Home!

Daisy's home again! Jean trailered her home yesterday. Daisy was fine for the trailer, as always...when I first got her she didn't like trailers and was bad for loading, but now she's fine. She just missed her buddies for a little while and looked kinda confused. She whinnyed a lot, like in the video above. But now she's fine; I knew she would be, she just had to get used to the place again.

I do have a new blog, http://lifeoutsidethebarn.blogspot.com. I haven't posted anything major on it, but that is where I will be sharing about my trip to Germany, as well as an update on the chicks, who moved into the big coop yesterday! :D Video will be up soon.

Until next time,


Anonymous said...

I'm glad she is settled in now. =)

Anika said...

aw shes so cute(:

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Welcome Home Daisy Mae!! Good to see you home again, though I wonder if Mell is going to miss all those trails at the old barn?


Sarah said...

Welcome back Daisy!! We missed you!!

cute video :)

Okay, i'll check ur blog out

Bella said...

Awesome new blog! Apparently, it's a German hit! Geez! Lot's of comments in another language. Haha!

Daisy's whinny is lower than Stewy's. His whinny was always hilarious. It's sooooooooo high pitched. Have you ever heard it?

Excited to have 'ya back!



Blend said...

Glad she is settled now! she is pretty cute.............

allhorsestuff said...

Hay ther Daisy! Welcome home Mell~


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