Monday, December 8, 2008

Pictures of the Gatsby

Notice how dark her coat got?! It's crazy!

Thank you, Mom! She took these pictures of Daisy with her blanket this morning...I really really like the Gatsby blanket. It's not one of the more popular brands, but it's obviously a good blanket, and it's built well...some buckles that look like this are kind of annoying because on that first buckle (not the one with the hole that the other one goes in) has a rubber thing on it so that once it's latched, it doesn't come undone easily...this is good, except that it makes the buckles a little harder to close...but I guess it's important to have them, for safety...

Anyway, those are some pictures....

Over and up,


Anika said...

awww what a cutieee =]

allhorsestuff said...

Nice digs for the mare!
I too put a new blanket on Wa last had been freezing here and is suposed to snow this weekend. I should have taken a pic last night cause boy did she ever roll today!\
Not a blue but Brown and blue blanket!

Anonymous said...

cool blanket! :)

Jordyn Daniels said...

LOVE the blanket!!! I am sooo glad that right now I am looking at green grass and not snow:)!lol! That cuts away a LOT off the feed bill:D!

~Southern Commander~

Bella said...

lol! i like the blanket on daisy! especially since it's blue, and that's her color!
i dont put a blanket on Stewy, so he's REALLY EXTRA FUZZY right now. for my next post, im probably going to take pictures of his fuzzy body! lol!


Bella said...

lol... i just noticed...
she IS really, really dark!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Yes, that's the same kind of buckle that's on Baby Doll's blanket, too. I wonder if it's not so comfie to lay down with it on, too, with the way that the metal clasp sticks out.
But it does stay buckled nice and safe, though.

Wow! Little Miss Daisy Mae morphed from a Milk Chocolate Pony into a Special Bar! hehehe

She's gorgeous, as usual, though..and looking nice and cozy, too. :)

New Mexico


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