Daisy-Mae is a great horse to ride. I ride her Western, and she is great. She has wonderful gaits. She was used for barrel events and team penning before, and it shows. She loves to canter and make very sharp turns, then keep cantering really fast. She is a dream-come-true to me. I just rode her bareback for the first time yesterday and again today, and she is great at that, too. Her smooth trot is very easy to sit to, and her canter is nice and slow. She brings me so much joy. Right when you get on her she wants to canter. It's hard sometimes to go through warming up with her first! She is awesome on the trails,too. She doesn't spook, just gets overly interested in her surroundings :-). I was riding her up a hill today, and, though I thought at first she was cantering, I realize now that she was galloping! It was smooth, though, and she slowed down quickly when I asked her to. I've never galloped before! It was amazing. She is starting to see me as her "person". She comes to me in the paddock and it seems like she is starting to bond with me more. I think she likes it that I ride her and work her, which is why she is starting to like me. The feeling is mutual. She likes all the personal attention she is getting a lot. She hasn't been given this much TLC that I am giving her every day in a while. I love her. Anyway, I got kind of carried away. I just wanted to show a pic. of her and I. More updates later.
aww you guys are so cute! HAs she gotten better with standing at the crossties??
She is AWESOME! She doesn't move a muscle! The only time she moves is when you do her girth, but....She is doing very well, I am very pleased.
i can't wait until i see her again! give her a kiss 4 me and same with my little Sarina!
Hi Miss Daisy, nice to meet you!
Hi! I will say hi to Sarina for you, Lizard.
Thanks for coming Pedi!
You sound so excited...I am so happy for you!
Mellissa, das ist so toll mit dir und deinem Pferd!
Ich freue mich ja so fuer dich und ich weiss ganz genau was du in deinem Herzen fuehlst.
Ein eigenes Pferd zu haben und mit ihm verbunden zu sein ist etwas ganz wunderbares und es gibt einem so viel.Auch in schlechten Tagen hat man immer Trost und dein Pferd hoert dir immer zu, es heilt deine Seele auf wundersame Weise!
Viel Spass noch und mach weiter so!!
I do love her very deeply. She is starting to bond with me. Everyday during school I count the hours until I get to the barn.
You really are a good rider! It is fun to watch you on Daisy-Mae! She looks happy, too!
you know, In the Lord of the Rings, bare-back is called elvin-style.
I think she is a great looking horse. you are keeping her well fit.
You seem like you like her more than you like Abby. How could you!!
I like abby and Her just the same, ok? I've been waiting for a horse for years, I have the right to be happy, don't I?!?!
Elvin-style?!?! That's funny, I have NEVER heard of that!
Wow, elvin-style riding? haha! :)
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