It's a snow day today, yey!!!!! These pictures were taken on Sunday, the last time I rode. I'll probably bundle up and ride today. Anyway, we went for a little ride to our neighbors and around on there property. Now, I'm sure most of you think that Daisy's just this wonderful, perfect horse who never does anything wrong. WRONG!!!!! She's a great horse, but let me tell you. When we first looked at her(to buy her), we were a little worried, because she would be on the cross ties(ties that connect to her halter on either side for brushing, saddling, etc), and she DID NOT stand still, and she's supposed to stand still! She went back and forth, back and forth. When I rode her she did pretty well, but she fought me a little. I would ask her to trot, and she'd just toss her head and start backing up. She was not that pleasant. But I used to ride a little pony at my lessons like that, and I liked the way she didn't listen. She was interesting to ride, and to work with, and that's why I chose her. Indeed, after one week she was MUCH better. Anyway, she still puts up fights sometimes, and the last three pictures show one of them. I asked her to go down the driveway, and she went as far as the lane way paddock, but then she stopped and made it clear that she thought she was done. Well, great exercise! I started to turn her, and that's what those pictures are. Her turn. Notice her eyes?!? You can see the defiance! I finally got her to go, by kicking her hard and smacking her with the whip(which is actually called a crop). It doesn't hurt her. I know there are most likely people who read this and think I'm terrible, but it doesn't hurt her. I only hit her once so she realizes that she can't misbehave, and then she behaves and I don't have to use it again. Anyway, I hope you are all having a good day! I am!!!! I love snowdays! I'm baking cookies now, so I have to go. Don't forget to comment if you stop by! Bye!!!
P.S. I don't know if you are aware of it, but I have a dog named Abby who has a blog at, and I'm sure she would just LOVE to have a couple visitors, hint, hint! Just thought I'd let you know.......
P.S. I don't know if you are aware of it, but I have a dog named Abby who has a blog at, and I'm sure she would just LOVE to have a couple visitors, hint, hint! Just thought I'd let you know.......
Ihr seht toll aus im Schnee. Mir gefaellt besonders, wie sich Daisy um sich selbst dreht, weil sie nicht weitergehen wollte! Ihre Augen sprechen Baende! Gut, dass du sie aber trotzdem so weit bringst, dass sie dahin geht, wo sie hin gehen soll! Du bist ein guter Reiter!
Jesses was ein Schnee!
Davon können wir sicher hier wieder mal nur "träumen!"
Ja bist eine gute Reiterin,kann es zwar nicht life beurteilen aber die Bilder sagen doch alles finde ich.
Schön zu wissen das Dein Pferd so gut auf Dich hört und macht was Du von ihm möchtest.
Setzt ein grosses Vertrauen voraus,Du zu ihm sie zu Dir.
Was machen Eure süssen Stall Kätzchen?Gibts da was Neues über sie?
man u have as lot of snow. we had 1cm for like a day.
1 cm!!!! That's nothing! We have about a foot. It was REALLY stormy. I was out shoveling snow a lot. Gudl and I baked cookies. It was a good day for it!
Liebe Jutta,
vielen Dank fuer deinen Kommentar!
Das ist wirklich wie ein Traum, wenn ich im Schnee reiten gehe. Daisy Mae liebt es aber im Schnee zu laufen.
Unseren Kaetzchen geht es gut. Sie werden immer groesser und sie sind goldig. Gestern bekamen sie einen groesseren Kaefig zum Schlafen. Da sind warme Decken u Kissen drin. In den Schnee wollten sie heute nicht hinaus!! Tschuess. have a great blog and a really cute horse!
Thank you! I love my horse, Daisy!
Cool pictures. Is it any harder to ride in the snow?
Not really. It's kind of hard, because you have to ride slower and watch the footing for ice, or deeper snow, but it's pretty much the same.
I do have to watch that when I do ask her to go faster that she doesn't buck, lol. The snow makes her really excited. :-)
Lucky! We got snow but not near as much!
Yes, it does look like miss daisy has a mind of her own. Good luck with that!
Du machst das wirklich super Melissa, dein Pferd erkennt dich als Leader and und du kannst dich auf Daisy verlassen, wirklich klasse!!
Toll, das du so viel " Biss" hast und dich immer wieder neu auf dein Pferd einstellen kannst und nicht muede wirst dich zu kuemmern und du freude und Glueck dabei empfindest.Genau so muss es sein!!
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