Hey! Sorry I haven't posted in so long! I was just wondering what to post, and I found these pictures in my folder, so I thought I'd post them. It's snowing here. About 1/2 an inch is there already...maybe more. It's so strange to see these pictures. all the green, the grass so tall in Daisy's paddock. I miss summer already. I don't have time to ride that much, now, with school, and it getting dark so quick, and the cold. I just rode Daisy for the first time since Tuesday! Daisy was really restless. It was cold, and really, really windy, but we went anyway. I got a big, blue, heated water trough for her now.... Tomorrow is the first day of advent. This year has gone by way too fast. I don't like the way time flies. Life seems so short....gosh, this is depressing me. But at least I know that when life ends it's only beginning in Heaven!!!!!
I keep thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be either a kindergarten teacher,or a vet,or open a rescue center for abused horses, or be an author. I love writing. I was just thinking, I might start a blog that I post stories that I write on every now and then. I don't write many stories, but I think it might be nice anyway....
When I saw the green in the pictures I got a color shock ;-)
Yes, the world is white outside....
I miss summer, too. When I am old and grey (haha, I am already!!) I will move to Florida in winter!!!
Yes, start a writing blog. That's a great idea.
Oh, yes, Florida must be wonderful now...It'll make me envious when all you post on your blog then is summer pictures...lol.
time only goes faster as you get older so enjoy time now while you are young and a little carefree... as for all your dream professions - you can do it all you know :)
I would love to read your stories...
Take care adn have a great weekend!
PS I bet Daisy-Mae was really happy to get out
Wow!! That is soo much grass!! I most definitely want to be a kindergarten teacher. I love little kkids!
I know, I want to be an author and/or a teacher. I like teaching.....
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